"Learn as if you were to live forever"

Posted 03-05-2018

Cultivating Gratitude in your Children


Cultivating Gratitude in your Children

Summer vacations are started in the school. It’s high time for the parents to nurture the seedling of good moral values which is sown and germinated here at Azaan International School. We, as a school provide a perfect blend of best moral values and quality teaching in Hyderabad. Gratitude is one such moral that never fails to win the heart and plays an important role to make a person succeed.

Research suggests that individuals who feel grateful, experience lower blood pressure, improved immune functions, recover more quickly from illness, and can more effectively cope with stress,” explains Shilagh Mirgain, PhD, a health psychologist with University of Wisconsin.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "He who does not thank people, does not thank Allah” (Ahmad, Tirmidhi).

There are a few tips given for the parents to inculcate the sense of gratitude in their children.

1- Limit the desires : All of us want to give our kids the best but providing  kids whatever they want, whenever they want, dilutes the gratitude impulse and it can mean that they don’t learn to value or respect their possessions.

 2- Set a good example by saying “thank you” sincerely and often.

The values our kids embrace as they get older aren’t those we nag them into learning, but the ones they see us doing in our life. There are countless opportunities every day for us to model gratitude for our kids — for example, thanking the maid and driver very often, waiter who serves your food in the restaurant, the cashier at the grocery store, and all such people around us who work for us. When our kids see us expressing sincere thanks all the time, they’ll be more inclined to do so as well.

It’s very important for us as parents to be model for our children, treating all people with respect. Sometimes we put more emphasis on showing respect for bosses, spiritual leaders and other high-profile people, while forgetting to extend the same courtesy to others. We need to model for our kids the importance of treating everyone with respect.

3- Art of giving: Depending on their ages, kids can contribute their services, for example care of elderly people at home and neighborhood. Parents should never feel hesitant in taking help from the kids for household work. When kids give their time and energy to help others, they’re less likely to take things like health, home and family for granted. Also encourage them to share the provisions and the blessings with others. It brings “Taqwa” and helps them to be thankful to the creator.

 4-Don’t miss the teachable moments: We all take the opportunity to have conversations about values with our children — but the key is to keep our eyes open for situations that eloquently illustrate our point. We need to utilize those moments as the powerful teaching aids. When kids can connect the concept of gratitude to a real-life situation, the lesson we’re teaching will be much more likely to stick.

Jazak Allah


Uzma Shakeel - NIOS Coordinator

CBSE School in Hyderabad




Katha Utsav


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