"Learn as if you were to live forever"

Posted 17-01-2018

A Step Ahead - Jack of all Sports


Recently, I had read an article; “Be a Jack of all sports, Master of none”. It had some really shocking facts for all the single sport lovers which I would like to share with all of you.

Psychologists across the world believe that till the age of 14-15, children must play multiple sports instead of specializing in one. Several studies and sports psychology coaches across the world say that specializing in one sport from a young age can lead to high risks, including greater chance of injuries and burnout.

Playing one sport a year round puts unbelievable strain on young bodies, so orthopedics recommend that kids play a variety of sports until they’re 15 0r 15. As a matter of fact, most champions across the world played multiple sports during their schooling, before championing their game. Steve Nash, an eight time NBA All –Star from Canada, played hockey, soccer, lacrosse and baseball as a kid. He didn’t even start playing basketball until he was 13 years old.

Scientific data also suggests that early single sport specialization actually might be detrimental to long-term success in team sports. Growing bodies can also become overstressed by repetition and that stress can lead to injuries.

Studies show that playing multiple sports leads to better muscle, motor and skill development. It also promotes general athleticism, balance, speed and agility. Physiotherapist Dr Leela says, “It’s not just about becoming champions, even if a child is not interested in becoming a sports star, they should keep playing various games and enjoy the process. If kids focus on just one sport, only one part of their brain develops. But if they play multiple sports and expose themselves to sunlight, it will not just develop their body and mind completely but will also strengthen their bones and will help them avoid injuries.

 By exposing yourself to multiple sports, you widen your spectrum of understanding about what you like and dislike. It builds up your confidence. The sense of achievement is always greater on the field than in the classroom.

Every sport uses different body muscles. As we walk or jog, we use one set of muscles and while swimming, we use different set of muscles. So, for the growth and overall development of the brain, playing multiple sets of sports is very important. It also helps in academics for example: if you’re planning cricket, you need to understand the pace of the bowler and assess, anticipate how and when the ball is coming. That helps in improving their anticipation and focusing skills.


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Sania Tahseen


Katha Utsav


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